
Machine Manual

The machine in the game is a very simple stack machine with very few opcodes:

Opcode Short Description
11111111 HALT Stops the machines execution. All programs must end with this
01010101 PRINT Prints the top value on the stack
00000000 EMPTY Will push 0 to the top of the stack if the stack is empty or 1 otherwise
100SNNNN LOADVAL x Will load the immediate value SNNNN where S is the sign of the value
00010000 LOADIN Load value from input to the top of the stack
00110000 POP Discard the top-most value on the stack
00010001 JUMP Skip the top-most value on the stack steps
00010101 JUMPIF Skip the top-most value on the stack steps only if the second top-most value on the stack is not zero
00110011 COMPARE Will put 0 if the two top-most values on the stack are equals and 1 otherwise
01001000 ADD Will put the sum of the two top-most values on the stack at the top of the stack
11001100 DUP Will put the top-most value on the stack at the top of the stack again

Press here to play the jam entry

This game was made in 72 hours during LD34 with PureScript. View the source here.

View on LudumDare site